Monday, January 2, 2012

Beginnning Anew

And so we can begin again. This is the time not just for resolutions but deeply held longings to be revitalised and re-committed to for the New Year. What will you chose to pursue? How will you chose to live and in what ways can you leave the world in a better place by the end of the year?

Beginning anew means creating a spiritual practice i can follow everyday. To bring ritual and the natural elements into my life as a way of being. To reafirm my caring for our environment through continuing to reduce placetics, reduce buying pocessed foods - making my own, going vintage and recycling EVERYTHING. I want to spend time with the people who love and really care about me and my family, and who cultivate the kindness and generosity in me. I want to find time and space to dream and wonder. 

I want to believe.

May your year be one of wonder and delight and may you face the challenges of life with optimism and thoughtfulness. Happy New Year!